Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Word About Dungeons And Dragons

Last summer I started to play Dungeons and Dragons (DnD). I had seen it played and heard about how fun it was but had no real understanding of how to play or what precisely what it was. I bought a Players Handbook (PHB), a set of Role Playing Game (RPG) dice, and made my first character. An Eladrin (think super Elf) Paladin (think religious warrior and healer). The next week we had our first game. The DM (my buddy Ryan) was running the game. We took our characters into his world and never lokked back. After the game, I knew I was throughly hooked. The game basically involves a group of friends and a fantasy story that you all sort of write throughout the game. Something that I, as a budding writer loved, I had so much fun that first game that is was all I could think of for the next week, until we played again as matter of fact.

Now anyone who has never played or has played with assholes can not understand how those of us who love the game feel. It can confusing to the uninitiated and that alone is enough to steer some people away. Then there's the "nerd stigma" attached to the game that even keeps the majority of people away. Even some real geeky types. I was there. I understand.

But that all changed last July when I came out of the nerd closet.
I decided to embrace the things that I always secretly liked.
Action Figures.
And, with some coaxing from my friends Ryan, Beefy and, Logan, DnD.

You see I finally realized that I didn't have to put up some facade and hide away things I like that others think are uncool. I have never been "cool". As a kid I had glasses and liked to read, never played sports and got my ass kicked frequently by bullies.

Oh by the way...



Anyway I have embraced the things that made me different as a child. The things that i was naturally drawn to. I have decided that if something make me happy, why not do it. No matter what it is. right now i'm running my own DnD game. That makes me the Dungeon Master or DM.

Quite frankly I've never been happier.

PS: Eat a fat dick Corey.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I might be psychic

Now I don't mean Miss Cleo psychic or Medium psychic. I have no yearning to make money from my powers nor do I want to talk to dead people to solve murders. I also don't thing I'm that kind of psychic. I don't talk to dead people or hear thoughts or feel that any of that shit is real. I can't feel any presences or "psychic feelings. I also can't make shit happen with my mind.

I know what your thinking "So how are you psychic then, fatty?"

First off, fuck you.

Secondly, I have a tendency to constantly worry about the future. I can rarely live in the moment. My mind is continually processing the possibilities that may or may not be about to happen. I can't help but running over and over the consequences of any actions mine or others, big or small.

This occasionally leads to a situation where I think about something that then ends up happening. It's a little unnerving when I'm really really accurate. For example last week at work I was doing inventory and thinking/worrying. I thought that it would really suck if someone came in and wanted to return something that they bought eith a gift card. I would have no idea how to do that. They would probably be some stupid hot girl with a shirt that didn't fit and who would make me incredibly nervous while I tried to figure out what the hell to do.

The very next person to come in was a young woman carrying a black bag. She was 19 or 20 and stunning. She had a tie-dyed shirt that she bought with a gift card and wanted to return it.

Now I don't think this is actually some super natural power and I can see the future. That is stupid as fuck. More likely it's just a product of a active imagination and a slightly paranoid personality. Slightly relative to totally bat-shit crazy that is.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fuck. Shit. Sigh. Hell yes.

I recently decided that I really needed to quit my job. I spent a few days getting up the courage to tell my bosses that I felt it time to move on. After doing so I realized the only thing that was stopping me from going now was myself.


There are only 2 things in the world I dislike more than my job right now, The Twilight movies/books and looking for another damn job. You see job hunting brings to light that which I try to keep under wraps deep in my "uncomfortable thought" part of the brain. You know down there with "What happens when I die?" and every memory involving going into a mens locker room.

The question that comes to me during job hunting is one that tends to screw with my head big time: What is it that I want to do with my life?


That is a question that if i am actually asked by another person I might respond with "Write and direct movies" or "become a filmmaker" But when I think harder on it I ask myself why do I want to do these things. Is there some story need I to tell? Do i simply need to feel like I'm being heard? Does it have to do with the fact that during childhood I live in such secluded self induced isolation that I created a personality that can only see the world through the eyes of cinema?


I really don't know. What's worst is these sort of thought tend to make me question if that is truly what I want to do and again I don't know. I do know that I have trouble communicating my feelings and thoughts through face to face interactions. I would much rather write a tweet text, blog, or short story. I would rather have a character tell my life story in a movie than tell someone myself.


Hell yes.

The fact that I am at once confident in who I am but have no idea who I want to be is a great source of anxiety in life. I often wonder if this is a universal human problem. It ties in to a fear of what's to come. The future whether it's the prospect of a new job or prospect of trying to find your identity will alway be frightening.

But for now I need to focus and remember that perhaps I can get a new job without the untold emotional trauma of answering lifes most difficult questions.

Here's hoping.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sex Toy Inequality

Last night I went to Castle to visit my friend Jones. While there he proceeded to show me a plethora of sex toys and sex related memorabilia. There were anal beads, butt plugs, pussy pumps, cock rings, nipple clamps, and all sizes and shapes of dildos. Also a small (relatively) selection of "Male Masturbatory Aids"/"Pocket Pussies" or, as Jones calls them, "Life Partners" (If you don't laugh at that you're a twat). The variety of these devices is impressive at first but when one thinks about it (like perhaps only I would) the ratio of male sex toys to female sex toys is very lopsided. There are at least 4 times as many toys for straight women as there are for straight men. Now this brings up the fact that there is a much greater stigma towards men who use objects to get off then there is toward women who do.
Either way it's "unnatural" and uncouth". The bottom line is you, as a human, are fucking something not human. It is that simple. It is a device who's sole purpose is to go into something or have something go into it until someone cums. Whether the person is man or woman should have no weight in this discussion. Right?

Another bottom line is that I kind of want a "Male Masturbatory Aid" but I can't seem to get over the mental block that says it's wrong. I might make it a new years resolution to get one. Just for the simple fact that it would force me to get out of a comfort zone and do something crazy.
Also I can fuck it.
Is that so wrong?

Also I may already have one...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Angry Resolution

I have reached a crossroads. Too long i have sat idle and let my life suck ass. i have let assholes shit on me and let shallow bitches cut out my heart. I've chased some unreachable white rabbit of happiness according to the damned Cleavers. I've let mindless rituals consume my free time and rob my treasure chest of happiness. I've sulked, sad-ed, and bitched around my room in unexplainable retarded sadness.


Fuck assholes.
Fuck shallow bitches.
Fuck white rabbits.
F!U!C!K! the Cleavers.
Fuck mindless rituals that I hate.
And FUCK retarded sadness.

I'm going to play Dungeons and Dragons because it's fun and I like it. if you got a problem you can go eat a cock. I'm going to pass on drinking when I don't feel like it because I don't have to get drunk to have fun. I'm going get shit faced drunk from time to time because sometimes it is fun. I'm going to like that "fat" girl because she's nice and talks to me. Not to mention she's not stuck up like so many skinny cunts. I am going to stop stressing about my virginity and at some point am going to have sex with a girl and it will most likely be awkward and awesome. I'm going to find a job that I like and not let "the way the world works" and "because that's what everyone does" get in the way of me being happy. I'm going to write my scripts whether or not anyone ever reads them because that makes me happy. I am going to enjoy my life and the way i choose to live it. I am going to love my true friends and my family. Don't try and stop me!