Thursday, February 11, 2010

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Strangers,

How are you? I don't really care actually. I'm just writing to tell you that I would prefer that you never, ever, have huge cell phone argument near me in public. That is both annoying and inappropriate. If I cared that you and your boyfriend are having a fight about him going to jail and never being there for you I would probably just kill myself. Seriously what makes you think that you can start yelling all matter of idiotic shit into your phone in the middle of a store and then expect no one to look at you. You obviously have made a lot of poor life decisions and have no social tact at all but please do not slam your stupid into my head by force. Next time you are in the middle of a store or restaurant and you get a call from that meth riddled, herpes infested, jerk off boyfriend, maybe just let it go.



PS: I hate you.